Saturday, March 31, 2012

EvolutionCycler - Taking The World To New Heights

As a company, it is our job to test not only our programs but other programs as well. When joining other programs, we will do our best and do what we have to do as members to maximize our earnings. In some cases, we created multiple accounts so we can see differences between those who can recruit and those who can not. It is not our intention to fail the program, but to let the program sets its own destiny. This allows us to speak not only from our expertise but also from experience.

Without going into any details on how our algorithm works, I will try to explain what makes our cycler different compared to other programs.

Unlike other programs, you don't need to have anybody under you to cycle in any level of our program. Many of our members have cycled without having a single downline under them. I have been in many programs (and cyclers) and have never earned a commission unless I have a downline. Or if I am able to recruit and cycled to the next level, I ended up waiting forever for my downline to "follow me" so I can cycle again and go to the next level. As I progress from level to level, it gets harder and harder, and eventually my matrix stalls. We all know that spillovers (and spillunder) are too few and too far in between.

EvolutionCycler is different:

  • It is designed, developed, and tested by our own staff. Other programs use off-the-shelf scripts and use fancy graphics to differentiate them from each other (but the engine underneath remains the same). If it doesn't work on one program, why would it work on another?
  • Although you don't have to recruit, your recruits will go under you as "sponsored members" and you earn $1 commission from each one. Recruiting not only help you but also help everyone in the program.
  • Absolutely no downline needed to cycle over and over again. New positions are created through cycling and from monthly subscriptions to prevent the system from stalling. Members in profit are encouraged to purchase additional positions to help them earn more income.
  • We have the best cycling ratio (over 50% and over 72% with re-entries). No other program even come close to our cycling-to-member ratio. It takes more than just matrix sizes to increase the cycling ratio, program owners who don't have programmers in staff or have the experience will not be able to duplicate our system.

EvolutionCycler is indefinitely sustainable. I believe we have created a system that will last and bring residual income to those who share our vision. The owners and admins have positions just like you, and that's the only way we can earn income. There is absolutely no company's profit in level 1 and level 2, and very minimal in level 3 and level 4. This program is written for members.

We are only 8 days old and many of our members have already cycled and, in some cases, several times. Our members have earned over $4,000.00 in the first week alone. Give the system at least a month and let more members in so we all can experience what the program is intended to do. We have spent almost two years and thousands of dollars in our program development, I can assure you that $6 from each member is not enough to cover our expenses. We have invested so much and are committed to make this program a success for everyone.

For more information visit

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Seven Simple Steps to Realizing Your Dreams

This formula is time tested and proven by some of the most successful people who ever lived. It isn’t original, in fact, it is ancient. It’s been published in various forms hundreds, maybe thousands of times over the last 4000 years. If you already know it, read it again – repetition is key to personal growth. You can read volumes of productivity and self-help books if you wish, but these seven simple steps are the foundation of all personal change and all personal achievement.

1. Decide exactly what you want. Make it a goal. 

Did you know most people never do this? If you ask the average person what they want from life, they can’t tell you anything specific. You can’t have everything, so you need to make a decision. If you don’t, others will make the decision for you. Don’t hunker down and wait for life to come to you. Engage life and decide what you want to do with it!

Be specific. Don’t say… I want to be “happy and rich”. It’s too vague. “Happy and rich” isn’t a destination or a goal. It’s too abstract and subjective. Instead say… I want to lose 40 lbs and save $1,000 a month.

Be realistic. What does realistic mean? It means something different to each one of us. For me, becoming an NBA All-Star isn’t realistic. I don’t have the natural talent and I’m too old. But for you it could be realistic. Only you know for sure. I’m not talking about delusional thinking here. I’m talking about BELIEVING NOT WISHING you can accomplish your goal. Don’t lie to yourself.

2. Decide what you are willing to give to reach your goal.

Deciding on a specific goal is only the first step. Next, you need to give value in return. You can’t get something for nothing, even stealing requires some effort (lol).


  • If you want to lose 40lbs, you might need to spend more time in the gym and spend more money on healthy foods.
  • If you want to save $1,000 a month, you may need to give more attention to the things you spend your money on.

Often it isn’t only what you need to give, it is also what you need to give up.


  • If you want to lose 40lbs, you may need to give up soda pop, sweets, and lazy evenings on the couch.
  • If you want to save $1,000 a month, you may need to give up expensive clothes, a big house, or a new car.

Once you know what you need to give (and give up), be willing to make the sacrifice. Everything has an opportunity cost.

3. Develop a plan.

Planning is essential to reaching your goal. Goal setting without planning is like trying to reach a destination without directions – you’ll end up someplace you didn’t intend to be. Your plan doesn’t need to be perfect, it doesn’t need to be the most efficient (although it helps), but it does need to layout specific actions and steps toward your destination. Your plan also needs to be flexible. You will meet unexpected obstacles along your journey, you will find flaws in your plan, so you will need to alter your plan.

4. Set a date you plan to reach your goal.

Someone once said goals are dreams with a deadline. That’s partially true. But I don’t like the word ‘deadline’, I like ‘target date’ instead. It’s flexible. A target date makes your goal and plan real. Leaving your goals open ended leaves no sense of urgency for action. Open ended goals are rarely achieved.

You need a target date, but things do change. I’ve worked in software for over 20 years and I’ve rarely hit a target perfectly. Sometimes they move in but more often they move out. Expecting to hit your date every time is like expecting to put every golf shot in the hole. You need to aim for the hole, but you’ll rarely hit it, so when you miss, you assess the distance to the hole – the obstacles and hazards, shoot again, and repeat until you sink the shot. Do not quit simply because you didn’t meet your first date, reorganize, set a new date, and keep going.

5. Put steps 1 – 4 in writing.

It is essential to write everything down. Writing them down shows commitment. Don’t use a computer. I prefer to write my goals by hand with a pen and paper and carry them everywhere I go. It has more psychological power when you see your goals in your own handwriting. Hand written goals have an almost magical property. When I reflect back I realize the 90% of the goals I have written down I have achieved.

6. Read your written statement aloud at least twice a day.

People have a hard time with this one. When you make a mistake, have you ever blurted out, “I’m so stupid” or when frustrated, “this is never going to work?” That’s called negative self-talk, and most of us do it habitually. And unlike positive self-talk, negative self-talk is socially acceptable. For some of us, negative self-talk is all we say about ourselves out loud.

If you have the same hang ups I had, you need to get over it. You need to learn to talk about your goals and your dreams aloud, both when other people are present and when you are alone.

Why is this important?

Reading your goals aloud several times daily will program your subconscious mind to act on your goals and plans. When you make a habit of reading your goals aloud daily it becomes nearly impossible to procrastinate. Your subconscious mind will begin handing you new ideas and fine details and it will nag you when you’re lazy, if you you follow this step habitually.

7. Take action toward your goals every day.

Persistent action is critical. Every day make a habit of taking action. Dreams are not realized sitting around imagining the future, dreams are realized by taking planned calculated action. Massive action yields massive results, tiny action yields tiny results, no action yields no results. And don't give up. You can't lose until you give up.

Remember you don’t have to get it right, you just need to get going!